You are seeking a job in the media
IF you are looking for a media job, then provides you access to a dedicated, free-to-search media jobs board, plus a pay-for facility for you to promote yourself.
Our media jobs board – which also includes careers advice – is backed by a dedicated twitter feed, allmediajobs.
By ‘media’, we define it to include advertising, broadcasting, creative, digital, marketing, print and public relations.
In addition, our media directory – where to find and be found – allows you to promote yourself.
Our basic media directory package is free*, on signing up for free.
But there are also ‘better’ and ‘best’ alternatives, each for a modest fee. For more details, click here.
* Please note, we will only approve for publication entries in our media directory that are directly related to the media, including of relevance to the media, such as accountancy.