All posts tagged Featured

  • RomanestoUse

    Wanted: Sports reporter

    ROMANES Media Group is seeking a sports reporter to work on its editorial team at…

Newspapers (the eighth of the month)
Launch event, Modern Apprenticeship in Digital Journalism, Forth Valley College, Stirling
Movies about the Media (shutterstock_128620850)
Photographer, black and white (the seventh of the month)
Media in Figures - Feature
TV lighting (the sixth of the month)
Media in Figures - Feature
Presses rolling (the fifth of the month)
Media in Figures - Feature
Microphone interview (the fourth of the month)
Media awards trophies (shutterstock_122147422)
PJ - logo 1 - for jobs websites (April 2014)
(the first of the month)
My Top Ten - Feature
Colin Kelly
Headphones (the 31st of the month)