A glowing tribute to the Sunday Post newspaper has been penned by The Guardian's well-known media commentator, Roy Greenslade.
Noting “signs of revival” under editor, Donald Martin – the former Herald editor – Greenslade writes that the paper appears to have a knack of attracting devotees beyond Scotland.
Says Greenslade: “The paper has admirers in far-flung corners of the world, including many in England – and even some who do not have a Scottish background.
“One of them is Phil Creighton, features editor at the Reading Post. He emailed me today to heap praise on the 'steadily improving' Post under Martin, saying: 'He's boosted the pagination, introduced new features, tidied up the design, shuffled the book around to give it better pacing and brought in more news. Yesterday's splash (in the edition published in England) was a feisty piece on the fallout from Cameron's race speech and there's more exclusives in the whole paper than you can shake a stick at. Its political reporting is insightful and gentle and there's little sensationalism… It's packed with reading that lasts the whole week – 104 pages for £1.10. Excellent value for money.'”