More thrills than skills – A half-life in journalism, part 71

Over the next few weeks, is to publish, each weekday, edited extracts from the memoirs of Scottish war correspondent, Paul Harris. ‘More thrills than skills: A half-life in journalism’, is being scheduled for publication next year.

PUBLICATION of the book in America brought me the opportunity for my first-ever US promotion tour as an author.

I’d always fancied it as a junket since reading Gordon Williams’ brilliant book, Walk, Don’t Walk.

Scots author, Williams, is probably best known as the writer of Straw Dogs, in turn best known as a violent 1971 movie with some rough sex involving the delectable Susan George, who is, cinematically, married to a young, effete Dustin Hoffman.

Walk Don’t Walk is, in my view, a much better book, which deals hilariously with the traumas and disappointments of an author on what he regards as a glamour trail which turns into a catalogue of everyday bitter disappointment.