ALLMEDIASCOTLAND’S hope that every newsdesk and every journalist in the land sees the merit of receiving, for free, alerts to media releases just posted on its allnewswire (yesterday, it was HMV and British Council – Scotland), has been boosted by news from computer giants, Microsoft.
Its newest version, just launched, of browser, Internet Explorer, makes it possible to read RSS feeds. It’ll be just a download away.
And it is RSS feeds of allnewswire that each and every reader is welcome to receive.
It’s a simple equation: the more organisations and individuals signing up to receive the allnewswire feed, the busier allnewswire is bound to get.
P.S. And do please assist in promoting the continued development of by not just signing up to receive a feed of allnewswire, but also signing up to receive our free eNewsletter, launching soon (the invite box is in the left-hand column).