JOURNALISTS wishing to take time out to undertake academic study are being invited to apply for scholarships in Berlin.
Journalists from across Europe and the United States are invited to apply for European Journalism Fellowships, offered this year for the ninth time by the Journalisten-Kolleg of the Free University of Berlin.
Says the university: “Participants are given the opportunity to take a two-semester leave from their professional positions and spend a sabbatical year pursuing a major research project or an individual programme of studies. At the same time, the programme enables participants to network with professional colleagues from Eastern and Western Europe and the United States.”
The programme starts in October next year and lasts until July the following year.
A monthly stipend of between 1100 and 1500 Euros is available.
Since 1999, 87 journalists from 28 nations have benefited from a fellowship.
The closing deadline for applications is December 15. Visit or email