Stand up for Courtesy

It has been niggling away for a few days, and it cannot be contained any longer.

When awards ceremonies choose to confer a life membership (or similar), surely common courtesy demands that the recipient is accorded an unanimous standing ovation.

At the Scottish Press Awards, it sort of happens. Whether it’s Joan Burnie or last year’s recipient, Tom Brown, there are enough people on their feet to make it feel like a serious moment of recognition. They are still very much in the minority, but at least it’s a significant minority.

At the Scottish PR Awards last week, though, not only was there no standing ovation, but the applause was hardly ear-splitting or sustained as a Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations was being given to one of the industry’s best-known operators.

Lynne Crossan – according to the reasons given for her Fellowship – has given lots 'back' to her industry.

Only physical disability or a genuine antipathy should prevent someone from getting to their feet and putting their hands together. Self-consciousness – even the excrutiatingly Scottish brand of self-consciousness – should be no excuse.

The message given out when luminaries are not appreciated in their own land is that it’s everyone for themselves and the general health of the industry – including internal support structures such as basic camaraderie – come a very distant second.

Maybe I am just feeling sore, since the night before the Scottish PR Awards, there was a book launch about football management and in attendance was the legendary figure of Eddie Turnbull. Now a very elderly gentleman, it must have been a real physical effort for him to be there. But there he was, arguably Hibernian FC’s greatest-ever manager.

And so, the welcome speech made a special point of thanking him being among us.

But did anyone – except a couple of us – show their own appreciation by applauding? What do you think?