Media Release: Rapid growth prompts move to new HQ for RS Occupational Health

Fiona Sommerville, RS Occupational Health

A LEADING occupational health firm is gearing up to expand into significantly larger headquarters in Aberdeen.

Thanks to major and rapid business growth, RS Occupational Health will double the size of its Aberdeen base when it moves from existing premises on the city’s Craigshaw Road to Muirfield House, Whitemyres Avenue later this year.

In addition to its close proximity to excellent transport links, the new single level leased building will offer better and easier parking for visitors and will act as a platform for the company to further expand its service offering as well as its number of employees.

Commenting on the move, company chair, Fiona Sommerville, said: “Although we finished refurbishing and remodelling our current premises just last year, we have had the benefit of unforeseen business growth since that time.

“The extent of that growth has proved sufficient enough to require much larger premises which will better suit our needs and allow us to deliver a more innovative service.”

She added: “It also affords us the opportunity to capitalise on emerging business hubs, without compromising our service to clients in other parts of the city and beyond.”

Established in 1999, RS Occupational Health is one of the leading occupational health companies in the North east. The company employs around 50 people and is owned and run by Fiona Sommerville and Dr Andrew Goodge.

The company deals with clients in sectors including oil and gas, construction, engineering, manufacturing and the public sector and holds the contract to administer the registration of all oil and gas doctors, worldwide, on behalf of Oil & Gas UK.

To find out more visit or call (0870) 050 3456.

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Contact: RS Occupational Health
Phone: 08700503456