
Media Release: Late-night trains available during Fringe by the Sea in North Berwick

AS August fast approaches, reports of strong ticket sales are coming back from the organisers of this year’s Fringe by the Sea in North Berwick.

With the two fabulous Spiegeltents holding 350 and 550 respectively, there should be plenty of availability – although the recent news that ScotRail are once again running an 11.59pm service every night back to Edinburgh will surely boost sales.

Said joint-promoter, John Shaw: “Only a month ago we were told by ScotRail that lack of resource availability meant no late train was possible, so this turnaround is very welcome news.

“We have revised all the information to say that not only are First Bus providing late night travel back to the capital, but there will now be the train as well.

“As one of our criteria for a successful festival is demonstrating that we attract visitors from outwith the region, this ‘hot’ news should aid our ambition.”

Ease of access to North Berwick will also be a great help to the ambitious Wednesday [7th] line up – when a whole series of fun activities takes place celebrating the glorious coastline and historical past of the county.

The council Ranger Service will be leading walks up The Law and along to Yellowcraig, as well as two sessions on the Giants in the Forest Project – creating organic artworks along an enchanted trail.

The beach area will host various ‘come and try’ activities  – such as a fitness session and lessons in surfing, some storytelling recalling the rich history and importance of North Berwick through the ages, and a visit by Orkestra del Sol before they take their crazy Balkan musical mayhem along to the Belhaven Spiegeltent.

Go dressed in any historical period you fancy – from the pilgrims of the 12th and 13th century, the covenanters who endured a tough life imprisoned on The Bass, or the Victorians taking advantage of the new-fangled railway line to turn the town into a seaside holiday destination.

Always keen to offer ‘firsts’ in their programme, the organisers are introducing ‘Performance Archeology’ – claiming it as unique at any festival in the UK.

Those interested can get involved in a dig to see if an ancient village was ever actually on the area at the base of Castle Mound, try their hand at pole and kite camera exploration, learn how Resistivity helps the archaeological detective work, and take part in topographic surveys!

… so don’t just note the evening gigs in your diary – make a day of it!

Contact John Shaw

email: info@fringebythesea.com |

tel: +44(0)7546 370 862

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Five Star Magazine & Media. You too can posted media releases (aka press releases) on allmediascotland.com. For more information, email here.

Contact: Renata

Email: info@fivestarmagazine.co.uk
Website: http://www.fringebythesea.co.uk