THE GalGael Trust will host a traditional Christmas Fayre at its Fairley Street premises on Saturday December 15th. The event will run from 10am – 4pm.
GalGael’s own product range will be complimented by a variety of other local craft producers who promise to meet all of your local, green and sustainable Christmas shopping needs.
There will be plenty of Christmas spirit with open fires, carol singing and even freshly-roasted chestnuts.
And our lead boat builder will be using his skills to demonstrate steam-bending methods in the construction of a beautiful traditional sledge. The sledge will also be the main raffle prize of the day.
And of course there will be plenty of fresh baking, homemade soup, steaming hot stew, tea, coffee and hot chocolate.
So put the date in your diary and reserve yourself a day where Christmas gets back to how it was meant to be.
For more information, visit or give us a phone on 0141 427 3070
Notes to editor
GalGael Trust, describes itself as a “cultural anchor point around which local people are re-kindling skills, community and a sense of purpose”. From its base in Govan, Glasgow, the Trust works with communities across Scotland.
One of their main achievements has been the development of a unique learning project: Navigate Life. Based in their workshop, the project provides a place where people can navigate away from a broken sense of self and live life with dignity.
Over the past four years, 246 people have started this journey. The project has been particularly successful in working with people in the criminal justice system, from addiction backgrounds and those experiencing mental health issues, such as depression.
The project also helps promote a sense of physical fitness, healthy lifestyle (both mentally and physically) as well as an understanding of the importance preserving the environment through the use of sustainable materials and the development of transferable skills amongst participants.
GalGael is part of a wider network of traditional events including Sail & Oar Festival (an international celebration of traditional boat building), Orcuan at the Crinan Canal Festival and the Glasgow River Festival.
GalGael Trust was co-founded by the late Colin Macleod in the mid 1990s – along with his wife, Gehan Macleod, project co-ordinator. Colin Macleod, together with a group of unemployed people, set about trying to re-establish a sense of ‘people-hood’ and ‘belonging’ and this led to the founding of GalGael.
Contact details: By email: By telephone: 0141 427 3070 By post: GalGael, 15 Fairley Street, Govan, Glasgow G51 2S
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Contact: Andrea Pearson
Phone: 01414273070