Media Release: Arts conference offers ‘golden’ opportunities


WITH the Olympics and Commonwealth Games on the horizon, Voluntary Arts Scotland is offering the Scottish arts and crafts community its own chance to ‘go for gold’.

Taking place at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November, Crafting the Arts: Going for Gold is Voluntary Arts Scotland’s third national conference, focusing on the amateur arts and crafts sector.

Begins a spokesperson: “Previous delegates have called the Voluntary Arts Scotland conference ‘the benchmark to measure all future conferences’ – and this year we’re aiming even higher, and helping our delegates to do the same by ensuring their organisations are they best they can be.

“The event will open with chief executive of Creative Scotland, Andrew Dixon and a representative from the Scottish Government, both of whom will talk about the importance of the voluntary arts, and the vast contribution it makes to Scottish society.

“Then, delegates can enjoy two days of talks and workshops on arts and health, funding, attracting media coverage, planning and time management, getting involved in the Commonwealth Games, how to run interesting committee meetings and much more!

Voluntary Arts Scotland is a valuable resource for the estimated two million people across Scotland who take part in arts and crafts activities.”

‘Crafting The Arts: Going for Gold’ will take that service a stage further, by offering a stimulating programme and giving delegates a valuable opportunity to speak to, and learn from, their peers in the arts and crafts community.

Not to mention have fun during our ‘Crafty Cocktails’ session, where delegates can unwind over a fancy drink and some stimulating craft activity.

Notes to editors:

  • ‘Crafting The Arts: Going for Gold’, Voluntary Arts Scotland’s third national conference, will take place at the Scottish Storytelling Centre on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November 2011.
  • Delegates can benefit from ‘early bird’ rates if they book before Monday 31 October. For booking information, visit
  • Voluntary Arts Scotland offers free help and advice to people who work or volunteer in the arts, crafts and heritage sectors. Our e-mail newsletter is regularly read by over 15,000 people, while our website is known for being an extremely valuable resource for both the arts and crafts sector and voluntary sector as a whole.

For more information and interview quotes contact: Fiona Campbell, executive officer, Voluntary Arts Scotland on tel: 0131 225 7355 / 07951 918366 or email:

Voluntary Arts Scotland/Ealain Saor-Thoileach an Alba is part of the Voluntary Arts Network (VAN) registered in Scotland as Company No. 139 147 and Charity No: SCO20345. Voluntary Arts Scotland acknowledges the support of the Big Lottery Fund, National Lottery through Creative Scotland, Legacy Trust UK, Binks Trust, Hugh Fraser Foundation and Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust. Registered Office: 54 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7EH

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Voluntary Arts Scotland. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on For more information, email here.

Contact: Fiona Campbell
Phone: 0131 225 7355 / 07951 918366