I HAVE been employed in the private care sector since 1995 and I have seen many, many changes in care at home.
And I have launched a new ‘Care Package Company’, with the knowledge of what people need and want when it comes to people coming into their own homes to provide them support.
Their service will be fully-assesed and soley built around what individuals require to stay as long, as independantly and as safely in their own homes.
There are many ways of funding such a ‘Care Package’ and we will offer free advice and support to help individuals gain access to such funding including the new to Scotland self-directed support, which enables people to choose who they want to provide a service and just as important when they recieve their services.
I believe in what we do, we know what people want and need and with 16 years experience in providing care at home I have every confidence we can provide an excellent service.
MEDIA RELEASE issued by Community Careline Services. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on allmediascotland.com. For more information, email here.
Contact: Sally A Millar
Phone: 07751957577 0141 423 4689
Email: sally.millar@communitycareline.com
Website: http://www.