Media Release: Rugby tears us apart but tourism brings us together

One week left before FRANCE MEETS THE MEDIA 2012 kicks off in Scotland

IT’S time to secure your place at our event to discover the ‘je ne sais quoi’ that will populate your little Black Book to France with new destinations, highlights, what’s on, top ideas, previews of events and press trips, the right contact for the right place and much more to help you.

We may be foes on the field, but 19 press officers have packed their bags and are ready to hit the road to come and meet the Scottish media for the sake of our auld alliance.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join France’s premier press event of the year at Edinburgh or Glasgow.

Register at

* EDINBURGH: Thursday 1, 8am to 10.30am

* GLASGOW: Thursday 1, 3.30pm to 7.30pm

For more information, contact

Don’t miss our daily A-Z Guide to France on our Twitter account #FMTM2012 and special features on our blog

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Sure PR. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on For more information, email here.

Contact: Press Office ATOUT FRANCE UK
Phone: 020 7061 6635