Media Release: Shelter Scotland calls for radical rethink of spending plans

LEADING housing charity, Shelter Scotland, has called for a radical rethink of Scottish Government spending priorities and laid out detailed plans for getting affordable housing back on target ahead of the Spending Review.

Graeme Brown, director of Shelter Scotland, said:

“A 50 per cent cut in affordable housing investment is a devastating blow to the housing sector and now there is no way the SNP Government will be able to meet one of its flagship manifesto commitments of 30,000 new socially-rented homes over the next five years .

“This is another hammer-blow to the 156,000 families and households across Scotland who have been waiting for months and years for a home of their own and it undermines our nation’s commitments to badly housed and homeless people.”


Notes to Editors:

1. Shelter Scotland provides expert support services, online advice and a free national helpline for everyone facing housing and homelessness difficulties. For advice and support visit or call 0808 800 4444.

2. Spokespeople are available for interview – call the media office on 0844 515 2442.

3. Follow Shelter Scotland on Facebook – Twitter –

Shelter Scotland believes everyone should have a home. We help people find and keep a home. We campaign for decent housing for all.

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Shelter Scotland. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on For more information, email here.

Contact: Neil Baldwin or Sabina Kadic-Mackenzie
Phone: 0844 515 2442
