Media Release: Give victims of crime a say in community sentences, urges VSS

Content embargoed until 10.30am on Thursday, November 18, 2010

VICTIM Support Scotland will call for all victims of crime to be given a say in any community sentence imposed on an offender.

The demand will be made as part of the launch of the national charity’s manifesto ‘No Going Back,’ its 2011-2015 programme for action, in the Upper Library of the Signet Library, Parliament Square, Edinburgh, EH1 1RF, at 10.30am on Thursday, November 18, 2010.

All media are invited to attend and newspaper, radio or TV slots can be agreed in advance. Two victims of crime will be available for interview.

Other demands will include:

Victims compensation be paid upfront by the State: Victim Support Scotland calls for the State to pay all awarded compensation straight away and to take responsibility for making the offender repay the compensation without the need to involve the victim. VSS also calls for a fundamental review of criminal compensation in Scotland to ensure it is delivered in the victim’s interest.

A surcharge to make convicted offenders pay: Victim Support Scotland calls for every convicted offender to be made to pay a surcharge to help fund victim support services. For offenders disposed of through financial penalties, the surcharge should be added to any fine or compensation awards, as well as direct measures where applicable.

Briefing note:

Victim Support Scotland, now celebrating its 25th year, is a registered charity which provides help to all victims and witnesses of crime. Last year, VSS dealt with almost 100,000 Victim referrals, 70,000 witness referrals and about 1,000 referrals to VOYCE, its youth justice service in Dundee.

The charity has a presence in all of Scotland’s local authority regions and has staff and/or volunteers in every Sheriff and High Court in Scotland.

For any assistance or further information contact:

David Sinclair,

Head of Communications,

Victim Support Scotland.

24-hour media line: 07803 970320


MEDIA RELEASE posted by Victim Support Scotland. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on For more information, email here.

Contact: David Sinclair
Phone: 07803 970320