Media Release: Seventy-five reasons to celebrate Musselburgh cycling

THE Musselburgh Roads Cycling Club (MRCC), formed in 1936, is widening its search throughout the ‘global cycling fraternity’ in an effort to make contact with past members or anyone who had a previous connection to the club.

Finalising details to celebrate 75 years in Scottish cycling, the club plans to host a number of events over the next year, culminating with a commerative presentation dinner which is scheduled to take place in early October 2011.

Affiliated to the East of Scotland Cycling Association (ESCA) the Club, who carry the Musselburgh town colours (blue and gold) for sport, organise a full programme of cycling events to suit all age groups and are committed to the development of sport and health throughout the East Lothian region.

The club will have its ‘colours’ on show as part of the Musselburgh Festival Parade which takes place on: Friday the 30th of July starting at 18.45.

Anyone who would like further information on the club’s plans for the 2011 commerative dinner and would like to reconnect with the club should contact:  


Issued on behalf of Musselburgh Roads Cycling Club. For further information, please email to:

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on For more information, email here.

Contact: John Wylie
Phone: 07932 744 276