Media Release: Trophy awarded to Stevenson College for UK’s best-performing interpreting students

STEVENSON College Edinburgh has won the Nuffield Trophy which is awarded to the Examination Centre with the best candidates overall in the 2008 examination for the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting.

The award was received by Roger Breckon, former Head of Languages at Stevenson College Edinburgh, on 9 November at a ceremony in London organised by the Chartered Institute of Linguists.

The Institute of Linguists’ inaugural examinations were held in 1910. Almost 100 years later, the Trust hosts an annual prize-giving ceremony to reward candidates who have demonstrated exceptional ability and also in recognition of the efforts of those who continually strive to promote the Trust’s ideals.

Director of Examinations at the Institute of Linguists, Hilary Maxwell-Hyslop, said: “We are delighted to present Stevenson College Edinburgh with the Nuffield Trophy for the best DPSI Centre for 2008, which recognises the achievements and dedication shown by both students and staff. We wish the students every success in their future careers.”

With almost 40 years’ experience in delivering language programmes, Stevenson College Edinburgh is a centre of excellence for languages in Scotland.

A Diploma in Public Service Interpreting allows graduates to gain employment as a Community Interpreter or to apply for inclusion on the National Register of Public Service Interpreting.

Head of Languages and Tourism at Stevenson College Edinburgh, Michael Jenkins, said: “We are delighted to have won such a prestigious award and it’s only fitting that Roger collects this trophy as he was head of Languages at Stevenson at this time and until he retired earlier this year.

“Extra special mention should be accorded to Haidar Mahmoud and Krystyna Scobie, the course lecturers, who have developed our DPSI course from its beginnings at the college and whose dedicated hard work has made this highly demanding, high-level course such a success. We are also very proud of our students who were judged the best in the UK.”

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