Media Release: Last chance to book a place at Technology Showcase 2009

TODAY (Thurs) is the last chance for businesses looking for a competitive edge to book a place at the free technology showcase at Glasgow Caledonian University tomorrow (Fri).

The event, which takes place at the University’s Saltire Centre between 11am and 3pm, is intended to encourage businesses and academics to collaborate on new products and services.

Says a spokesperson: “The Scottish Government recently urged companies to step up research and development in a bid to compete in the global market place in the wake of the recession and Technology Showcase 2009 is an ideal opportunity for firms to grasp the initiative.

“Bridging the gap between academia and business the event will highlight the range of technology and expertise on offer through the university’s knowledge transfer project KIT-OUT.”
Says Derek Gallaher, project manager based at the university: “We have been very successful, particularly in the small and medium enterprise sector, in getting companies who have never worked with universities before to engage with us. More than 300 businesses have engaged with KIT-OUT in the last two-and-half years.
“Companies get confused with the idea of R&D, especially small-and-medium-sized companies who think research and development is something only big organisations do.

“But often small companies are at the forefront of innovation and all they need is a little push in helping them to realise their goals.”

Businesses of all sizes are welcome to attend Technology Showcase 2009 where they can talk to companies who have already undertaken collaborative knowledge transfer projects with academic experts.

Companies and individuals with project ideas or new products under development will be able to discuss innovation grants, funding opportunities and other business development assistance available from a range of public sector support bodies.

Further information can be found at or call 0141 331 8458.


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Contact: Fiona McKay
Phone: 0141 952 4004