Media Release: Cateran competition calls out to kids

PERTH & Kinross Countryside Trust is calling on the school children of Perthshire and Angus to help them in naming a series of new, hand carved ‘Cateran’ way markers that have recently been placed at various points on the 64-mile circular walk.

Named after notorious cattle thieves, The Cateran Trail, through East Perthshire and Angus, is Scotland’s first circular long distance walking route and an energetic stroll through some of Scotland’s most fascinating history, taking in sites of significance from the Roman times right up to the modern day.

However, its modern gentility as a countryside walk is in direct contrast to its historical roots, the trail itself formed as part of the getaway route for the ancient Caterans, whose midnight raids instilled fear into the law abiding farmers of rural Perthshire.

With five stages, and seven possible starting points, The Cateran Trail has the flexibility to act as either a week-long walking holiday, or a day trip for occasional walkers. Either way, it is an historically interesting journey, offering breathtaking scenery and a walking challenge through the sort of Scotland of which walkers dream.

Now PKCT is hoping that, with a lot of help from local school children, the Cateran waymarkers can be given a name and a story that will help to reflect their warrior past and capture the imaginations of walkers from far and wide.

The winning schools will benefit from the publicity of naming their own Cateran and will also receive an unique hand-carved miniature Cateran, carved from the original waymarker posts, for display on their own school grounds.

Teachers wishing to participate can download the competition information pack from the Cateran Trail website:,uk

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Contact: Tricia Fox
Phone: 01738 658187