Media release: Crime can harm the lives of victims

A CAMPAIGN to highlight how the life of a victim of crime can be altered forever is being launched by Victim Support Scotland (VSS).

The campaign is part of the national charity’s participation in European Victims Week (February 16-20).

At an one-day conference on February 20 in the Strathclyde Police headquarters in Pitt Street, Glasgow, VSS will publish a booklet entitled, ‘Do You Know How Supporting Victims of Crime Is Helping Scotland’, which highlights the physical, emotional financial and social aspects of becoming a victim of crime. The conference will be addressed by Kenny MacAskill, Cabinet Secretary for Justice.

Says a spokesperson: “The booklet provides statistics, information and knowledge about the wider impact of crime to develop a greater understanding of the need for additional services for victims and witnesses of crime.

“The booklet demonstrates how 33 of the national outcomes and indicators covered by the Concordat with local government could be met by supporting victims of crime.”

Susan Gallagher, VSS director of Development, said that the cost of crime to Scotland was immense and the legitimate need to be safe and secure within neighbourhoods and the impact of crime on jobs and homes was vast.

She added: “No-one chooses to be a victim of crime yet, each year, about one million people from Scottish communities, our families, children, friends, neighbours and acquaintances can be affected by crime. We do not have all the answers but we can demonstrate how working in partnership with VSS will make our communities safer, thus aiding victims of crime.”

At the same conference, VSS will publish its manifesto for the development of victim services across Europe.

The launch is part of a co-ordinated campaign with other Victim Support organisations to ensure the inclusion of the protection and promotion of victims’ rights in the next five-year programme for Freedom, Justice & Security, which should be finalised to coincide with the change of EU Presidency in Sweden this summer.

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Victim Support Scotland. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on For more information, email here.

Contact: David Sinclair
