Media Release: A lifetime of environmental work marked with honorary degree

A WOMAN who has devoted over half of her 92 years to the investigation
of the flora of Orkney is to be awarded an honorary degree by
Heriot-Watt University, the first time such an award has been made in
Orkney through the university’s Orkney Campus.

Elaine Bullard MBE has no formal botanical qualifications yet she is
immediately recognised and well-respected as Orkney’s unique (and
self-taught) scholar of the vascular plants. The Botanical Recorder for
Orkney, she came to Orkney after the war and took early retirement from
the Milk Marketing Board at the age of 45 to devote herself to the study
of the flora of the region.

Professor Jonathan Side, director of the Heriot-Watt International
Centre for Island Technology (ICIT), said: “Elaine’s work is well-known
and widely recognised, and it is a particular delight to those of us at
Heriot-Watt University, who live and work here in Orkney, that the
university wishes to honour her in this way.

“Over the years, she has been an inspiration to the university staff and
students, and has made an enormous contribution to the work of visiting
academics from numerous universities and institutions.”

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Heriot-Watt University. You too can post a media release on For more information, email here.

Contact: Caroline Dempster
Phone: 0131 451 3443
Email: xx@xx.xx.xx