Media Release: Derwent’s ANPR-based vehicle access control

DERWENT CCTV is launching REG-SENTRY(tm), its first Automated Number Plated Recognition (ANPR)-based automatic vehicle access control system.

Designed to make life easy for installers the system can be installed as either a stand-alone solution or it can be quickly integrated with existing access control equipment. REG-SENTRY(tm) allows the user to easily configure the system from any linked PC to permit or bar entry to any vehicle attempting to enter a secure site.

Users upload number plate data using the PC based Sentry-Viewer software, creating their own custom White/Black list. The REG(tm) camera captures the number plate of any vehicle approaching an access control point and sends that data to the REG-SENTRY control box which processes the information, compares it to the list and sends a signal to the access barrier to open or remain closed.

The package comprises of a REG-SENTRY(tm) control box with embedded processing engine, a choice of Derwent’s field proven REG(tm) number plate capture cameras to accommodate a range of required capture distances plus easy to use Sentry-Viewer software.

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Contact: Penny Haywood
Phone: 0131 669 5190