Media Release: Launch of Shetland creative industries study

PEOPLE involved in the creative industries of Shetland are invited to attend Lerwick Town Hall on Thursday April 17 for the launch of the ‘Creative Industries in Shetland’ study.

The study was commissioned by the Shetland Creative Industries Unit (SCIU) and carried out by consultants EKOS Limited to provide a more detailed understanding of the development of Shetland’s creative economy.

The networking opportunity follows on from last August’s successful event at Lerwick Town Hall when around 100 people involved in the creative industries met to explore the industry’s potential to become one of the top five economic sectors in Shetland.

Brian McLaren of EKOS will present the findings on Thursday evening from 7pm and Gwilyn Gibbons, chair of the SCIU, will highlight what the next stages are as a result of the report findings. The presentations will be followed by a networking opportunity for creative industry contacts and the agencies dedicated to this sector’s development.

Gwilym Gibbons said: “We believe our creative industry sector could become one of Shetland’s top five economic sectors within five years which will contribute a significant secondary economic benefit to the tourism and hospitality sector. The added benefit is a wider incentive for inward investment, innovation and sustained growth of the knowledge economy.”

Since the late 1990s, the creative industries have continued to be one of the fastest growing industries in the UK. According to a recent report published by NESTA the creative industries grew by an average of six per cent each year compared to an average of three per cent for the economy as a whole.

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Contact: Mhaii Pottinger
Phone: 01595 746816