Media Release: Highland techno pupils win a trip to Boston

AN ingenious gadget to help clothes shoppers pick the perfect fit has clinched a trip of a lifetime to America for a team of young entrepreneurs from Nairn.

The inventiveness and marketing skills of Nairn Academy students, Jennifer Baird, 18, Laura Fairley and Callum Beddie, both 17, saw them emerge victorious in the 2008 ICT Youth Challenge.

The annual contest, now in its sixth year, supported by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), BT Scotland, Microsoft and other sponsors, invites young people to submit ideas for information and communication technology of the future.

This year’s competition, hailed by the organisers as the “best yet”, attracted entries from 146 teams from all over the Highlands and Islands.

PRESS RELEASE issued by Highlands and Islands Enterprise. You too can post media releases (aka story ideas for journalists) on For more information, email here.

Contact: Caroline Rham
Phone: 01463 244 244