FILMED during lockdown, award-winning Gaelic singer, Julie Fowlis, presents a new music series for our times on BBC ALBA featuring Scottish and international musicians, including recent Grammy winners, Rodrigo y Gabriela.
Julie became famous worldwide after singing the theme songs to Disney Pixar’s animated children’s film, Brave, set in the ancient highlands of Scotland.
Julie Fowlis | Ceòl aig Baile (Music at Home) is an eight-part music series that takes place at an extraordinary time in our history, utilising the lockdown as a creative boundary.
Julie Fowlis said: “With festivals and gigs all postponed and cancelled, we thought this would be a great opportunity for artists to work together to create something that’s both timely and entertaining for the BBC ALBA audiences.”
The half-hour episodes will feature six songs, with each programme given to a pair of musicians to curate.
Between the musical tracks, musicians will reveal a little about their songs and tunes, and how they are coping during these very unusual times. Each performance is recorded in the artists own homes, and we’ll get a visual flavour of their life in lockdown.
The first programme is curated by Julie Fowlis and Éamon Doorley and, while Julie presents the rest of the series each programme will have a different set of curators – for example, Ingrid Henderson and Iain MacFarlane (Glenfinnan Ceilidh Band), Josie Duncan and Hamish MacLeod (Inyal) and Karen Matheson and Donald Shaw (Capercaillie).
As well as Rodrigo y Gabriela, there will be performances from acclaimed musicians Rosanne Cash, Zoë Conway, John McIntyre, Karan Casey, Mike McGoldrick, John McCusker, Kris Drever, Dirk Powell, Xabier Diaz, Karine Polwart and renowned Gaelic singer, Kathleen MacInnes.
Margaret Cameron, channel editor at MG ALBA, which operates BBC ALBA in partnership with the BBC, said: “This series gives musicians, deprived of playing live concerts, a virtual stage and an opportunity to perform directly from their homes to viewing fans. These programmes invite musicians from Scotland, Ireland, Europe, Canada, Mexico and the US to connect with fans and to perform in a visceral way,
appealing to feelings as much as intellect.”
Julie Fowlis | Ceòl aig Baile, produced by Beezr Studios, starts on BBC ALBA on Thursday 14 May at 10pm with each episode subsequently available on the BBC iPlayer for 30 days.
BBC ALBA a’ cèilidh le Julie Fowlis ’s a caraidean
Bidh an t-seinneadair Gàidhlig aithnichte Julie Fowlis aig stiùir sreath ciùil ùr a chaidh a chlàradh tron ghlasadh-sluaigh airson BBC ALBA, le ceòl bho luchd-ciùil Albannach agus eadar-nàiseanta, leithid buanaichean duais Grammy, Rodrigo y Gabriela.
Sgap cliù Julie air feadh an t-saoghail an dèidh dhi a bhith a’ seinn nam prìomh òrain san fhilm chloinne Brave le Disney Pixar, film a tha stèidhte air Gàidhealtachd aosmhor na h-Alba.
’S e sreath le ochd earrannan a th’ ann an Julie Fowlis | Ceòl aig Baile a tha a’ gabhail àite aig àm gu tùr annasach nar n-eachdraidh, a’ dèanamh feum às a’ ghlasadh-sluaigh mar chrìoch chruthachail.
Thuirt Julie Fowlis: “Le fèisean agus cuirmean uile air an cur dheth no co-dhiù dàil a chur orra, bha sinn den bheachd gur e fìor dheagh chothrom a bh’ ann do cheòladairean a thighinn cruinn còmhla gus rudeigin a dhèanamh a fhreagras air an àm anns am bheil sinn, agus a bheir tlachd do luchd-amhairc BBC ALBA.”
Bidh sia pìosan-ciùil anns gach prògram leth-uair a thìde, le gach fear dhiubh a’ nochdadh ceòl a tha air a thaghadh le dithis ceòlmhor eadar-dhealaichte.
Eadar na pìosan-ciùil, bidh na ceòladairean a’ bruidhinn mu gach pìos ciùil agus òran, agus mu mar a tha iad a’ dèiligeadh ri cùisean an-dràsta. Thèid gach cluich a chlàradh sna dachannan aca fhèin, a’ toirt dhuinn blasad den bheatha aca san glasadh Covid-19.
Thèid a’ chiad phrògram a stiùireadh le Julie Fowlis agus Éamon Doorley agus le Julie a’ lìbhrigeadh a’ chòrr den sreath bidh ceòladairean eile a’ stiùireadh nam prògraman eile, mar eisimpleir Ingrid NicEanruig & Iain MacPhàrlain (Còmhlan Cèilidh Ghleann Fhionnain), Josie Duncan & Hamish MacLeòid (Inyal) agus Karen NicMhathain & Dòmhnall Seathach (Capercaillie).
A bharrachd air Rodrigo y Gabriela, bidh ceòl bho cheòladairean aithnichte Rosanne Cash, Zoë Conway, John McIntyre, Mike McGoldrick, John McCusker, Kris Drever, Dirk Powell, Xabier Diaz, Karine Polwart agus an t-seinneadair Gàidhlig cliùmhor Kathleen NicAonghais.
Thuirt Mairead Chamshron, Deasaiche Seanail aig MG ALBA, a tha a’ lìbhrigeadh BBC ALBA ann an co-bhanntachd leis a’ BhBC: “Tha an t-sreath seo a’ toirt cothrom do luchd-ciùil, a tha gann de chuirmean beò a chluich an-dràsta, a bhith air àrd-ùrlar agus a bhith a’ cluich anns na dachannan aca fhèin airson an luchd-leantainn aca. Tha na prògraman seo a’ cur fàilte ro luchd-ciùil à Alba, Èirinn, an Roinn Eòrpa, Canada, Meagsago agus na Stàitean Aonaichte a thighinn còmhla leis an luchd-leantainn ann an dòigh a tha cho fìor nàdarrach, agus a tha a’ tarraing air an dà chuid faireachdainnean agus inntinn dhaoine.”
Tòisichidh Julie Fowlis | Ceòl aig Baile, air a riochdachadh le Beezr Studios, air BBC ALBA Diardaoin 14 Cèitean aig 10f, le gach prògram an uair sin ri fhaotainn an dèidh a chraoladh air BBC iPlayer airson 30 là.
Issued by Electrify Marketing & Communications on behalf of MG ALBA
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