Media release: Children’s Gaelic learning is being supported during the lockdown with a mix of fun programmes


EXTRA programmes will be shown on CBeebies and CBBC ALBA to support children’s learning while we all stay at home to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

BBC ALBA’s popular children’s schedule will continue between 5pm and 7pm every day with an additional mix of fun educational programmes to support learning and share ideas for things to make and do over the coming weeks.

Children won’t even realise they are learning and developing their skills in a variety of subjects including maths, literacy, science, history and language when they tune in because they will be having so much fun!

From the start of what would have been the school summer term for many children in Scotland (April 14 onwards) at 5.40pm every Tuesday and Thursday, ‘A Bhùth/ The Shop’, will offer maths for children aged 3 – 7 and at the same time on Mondays and Fridays ‘Baile Mhuilinn / Milltown’ will support language development for children aged 3 – 7, starting from Wednesday, April 15. Both series will be shown on CBeebies ALBA and will also be available on iPlayer for 30 days after broadcast.

Margaret Mary Murray, head of service at BBC ALBA, said: “We hope these fabulous learning programmes will offer useful support to teachers, parents and carers and fun learning opportunities for children in addition to popular programmes such as Lòn le Linda, Bing, Piseag is Cuilean, and Stòiridh.

“We have also created a learning collection for iPlayer that will be available from April 14th which will include more archive programmes that won’t be broadcast on TV allowing audiences to view at their own convenience and as often as they like!”

The learning collection for iPlayer includes Ioma Rud supporting writing for 7 – 9 year-olds, SNAS, writing for 9 – 11 year-olds, Saorsa, providing Maths for 10 – 12 year-olds, and Air Ghleus music for ages 10 – 12. This new collection will be available alongside those for CBeebies and CBBC ALBA programmes.

Children will also be able to try their own science experiments at home and find out about the science behind the fun when they watch Saidheans Spòrsail / Fun Science, which is aimed at children aged 7-12. This starts on CBBC ALBA on Tuesday, April 14 at 6.10pm.

This will be followed at 6.35pm by Aithne air Ainmhidhean / All About Animals, a fascinating series about animals and their habitats which aids knowledge of diverse cultures across the world. These will also be available on the iPlayer for 30 days after broadcast.

There are also resources in maths, literacy, social and science topics on BBC Gaelic Bitesize for primary school children at a range of ages and stages. For those at high-school, Gaelic for learners and fluent speakers is offered as well as history, geography, maths and modern studies at National 4 and 5 levels. At higher level there are resources for learner and fluent Gaelic students and maths, visit

Prògraman chloinne sa Ghàidhlig a’ taiceachadh ionnsachadh is cur-seachad

Bidh prògraman a bharrachd air Cbeebies agus CBBC ALBA airson taic a chumail ri sgoilearan fhad ’s a tha sinn uile a-staigh a’ feuchainn ri bacadh a chur air sgapadh a’ Choròna-bhìoras.

Chithear clàr àbhaisteach CBeebies agus CBBC ALBA, eadar 5 agus 7 gach là air BBC ALBA le measgachadh de phrògraman, cuid air a bheil sinn glè eòlach agus cuid a bhios ùr do mhòran, cuid le foghlam mar bhun-stèidh agus cuid eile a’ tabhann spòrs is cur-seachad.

‘S gann gu mothaich an fheadhainn òga gu bheil iad ag ionnsachadh agus a’ leudachadh an cuid sgilean ann am matamataig, litreachas, saidheans, eachdraidh agus cànan, leis gu bheil na cuspairean air an lìbhrigeadh ann an dòighean cho beothail is togarrach.

Bho thoiseach na seachdain air an robhas an dùil a bhiodh teirm an t-samhraidh a’ fosgladh, (14 Giblean is air adhart) gach Dimàirt is Diardaoin aig 5.40f bidh A’ Bhùth, a’ taiceachadh matamataig airson clann anns na tràth ìrean (3-7) agus aig an aon uair gach Diluain is Dihaoine bidh Baile Mhuilinn a’ cur taic ri sgilean cànain na tràth ìrean (3-7). Bidh na prògraman sin an uair sin air BBC iPlayer airson 30 là.

Thuirt Mairead Màiri Mhoireach, Ceannard Sheirbheis BBC ALBA: “Tha sinn an dòchas gun toir na prògraman sgoinneil seo taic do thidsearan, pàrantan is luchd-cùraim chloinne ach gu seach àraid gum bi iad nam meadhan air cur-seachad, toileachas agus foghlam do chloinn agus a’ cur ri farsaingeachd ar clàr maille ri sreathan eile mar Lòn le Linda, Bing, Piseag is Cuilean, agus Stòiridh.

“Tha sinn air cruinneachadh de phrògraman ionnsachaidh a thional air iPlayer a’ BhBC a bhios rim faotainn bho 14 Giblean. Chithear rudan an sin nach bi air TBh agus thèid agaibh an coimhead nuair a thogras sibh fhèin agus cho tric ’s a ghabhas dèanamh!”

Anns a’ chruinneachadh ionnsachaidh air BBC iPlayer bidh prògraman foghlaim às an tasglann a dh’fhaodar cleachdadh airson ionnsachadh san dachaigh. Bidh sreathan leithid Ioma Rud a tha ag amas air sgilean sgrìobhaidh do sgoilearan aois 7-9, SNAS airson sgilean sgrìobhaidh sgoilearan aois 9-11, Saorsa, matamataig do sgoilearan aois 10-12 agus Air Ghleus a tha ag amas air ceòl do sgoilearan aois 10-12 rim faighinn bho Dhimàirt 14 Giblean.

Faodaidh clann deuchainnean saidheans fheuchainn aig an taigh air am brosnachadh le Saidheans Spòrsail sreath a tha a’ toirt mìneachadh air an t-saidheans a th’ air cùlaibh gach deuchainn. Chithear seo air CBBC ALBA aig 6.10f bho Dhimàirt 14 Giblean.

Agus dìreach às a dhèidh gach là aig 6.35f bidh Aithne air Ainmhidhean a tha loma-làn fiosrachadh mu dhiofar bheathaichean, na h-àrainneachdan sa bheil iad ann an diofar dhùthchannan agus chleachdaidhean dhualchasach air feadh an t-saoghail. Bidh na prògraman seo do chloinn eadar 7 agus 12 uile air BBC iPlayer son 30 là.

Tha goireasan do sgoilearan aig diofar ìrean tron sgoil cuideachd rin lorg air duilleagan Gàidhlig Bitesize, bhon bhun-sgoil chun àrd-sgoil. Nam measg tha Gàidhlig do luchd-ionnsachaidh agus fileantaich, eachdraidh, cruinn-eòlas, matamataig agus nuadh-eòlas aig ìre Nàiseanta 4 agus 5 agus matamataig, Gàidhlig do luchd-ionnsachaidh agus do dh’fhileantaich aig Àrd-ìre. Gheibhear thuca sin tro

Issued by Electrify Marketing & Communications on behalf of MG ALBA.

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