MG ALBA (the Gaelic Media Service) has announced the appointment of Ealasaid MacDonald to the post of director of Strategy & External Affairs.
The newly-created post will take a leading role in nurturing important stakeholder relationships and in developing a renewed Lèirsinn (Vision) with partners for the future of Gaelic media. The post will also take a lead role in proposing and delivering strategies for transformation as MG ALBA and its partners face increasing levels of challenge and opportunity in the media sector.
Ealasaid will take up the role in Stornoway, starting on 27 January.
Originally from Eriskay and South Uist, Ealasaid previously worked in policy for Renfrewshire Council and has been living and working in the Isle of Lewis for the past five years, working as a freelance policy and public affairs consultant.
Donald Campbell, chief executive of MG ALBA, said: “This is a time of unprecedented change for us. Ealasaid will be a fantastic addition to our senior management team and we’re excited that she is joining us to help make the most of the opportunities ahead of MG ALBA and the Gaelic media sector in the near future.”
MGTha MG ALBA (Seirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig) air Ealasaid Dhòmhnallach ainmeachadh mar Stiùiriche Ro-innleachd agus Chùisean Taoibh A-muigh.
Bidh an obair ùr a’ leasachadh dhàimhean chudromach agus ag ùrachadh Lèirsinn (Lèirsinn 5-bliadhna na buidhne) le com-pàirtichean airson saoghal nam meadhanan Gàidhlig san àm ri teachd. Bidh an obair cuideachd a’ stiùireadh na h-obrach co-cheangailte ri bhith a’ cur air adhart agus a’ lìbhrigeadh ro-innleachdan airson cruth-atharrachadh aig àm làn dùbhlain agus cothroman do MG ALBA agus an cuid chom-pàirtichean sna meadhanan.
Tha Ealasaid a’ tòiseachadh san dreuchd air 27 Faoilleach agus bidh i stèidhichte ann an Steòrnabhagh.
Air a togail ann an Èirisgeigh agus Uibhist a Deas, bha Ealasaid aig àm ag obair air poileasaidhean airson Comhairle Shiorrachd Rinn Friù agus tha i air a bhith a’ fuireach agus ag obair air Eilean Leòdhais thar còig bliadhna, ag obair air a ceann fhèin mar neach-comhairle phoileasaidhean agus cùisean-poblach.
Thuirt Dòmhnall Caimbeul, Àrd-Oifigear MG ALBA: “Tha sinn aig àm cruth-atharrachaidh nach fhacar a-riamh. Bidh Ealasaid a’ cur gu mòr ri sgioba àrd-stiùiridh na buidhne agus tha sinn fìor thoilichte gu bheil i a’ tòiseachadh còmhla rinn gus an fheum as fheàrr a dhèanamh de na cothroman a tha air thoiseach air MG ALBA agus roinn nam meadhanan Gàidhlig san àm ri teachd.”
Issued by Electrify Marketing & Communications on behalf of MG ALBA
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