Media release: MG ALBA announces key content roles


MG ALBA, the Gaelic Media Service, has announced Iseabail Mactaggart as its director of Multiplatform Content, as part of changes designed to further increase the organisation’s focus on delivering high impact content in a rapidly-changing media environment, and to build on successful collaboration and innovations undertaken to date.

Iseabail Mactaggart was previously director of Strategy and Partnership and leads the commissioning and strategic development of Gaelic content for BBC ALBA and its digital platforms, as well as on FilmG and LearnGaelic. The changes will also see the promotion of Fiona MacKenzie to the role of assistant commissioner, Digital.

The objective of this new brief is to grow BBC ALBA’s short-form content provision and social media engagement, building on the successful work of MG ALBA’s Digital Hub over the past two years. The changes are designed to ensure a multiplatform outlook informs all content decision-making.

Donald Campbell, MG ALBA chief executive, said: “The new designations signify MG ALBA’s commitment to the development and growth of Gaelic media content in all its forms. The successes already enjoyed by Iseabail, Fiona and colleagues, alongside the BBC ALBA creative community, will be built on – including BBC ALBA’s historically high appreciation levels, record number of awards and fast-growing digital media viewership. This year also saw MG ALBA enter into its highest ever levels of international collaborations, delivering significant value to Gaelic audiences – an achievement the MG ALBA team will seek to grow further.

“These new roles will ensure MG ALBA is positioned to stake the place of Gaelic media in a fast-changing media environment as best we can, to take full advantage of the opportunities to collaborate and to innovate, and to face the future with confidence.”


Tha MG ALBA an-diugh ag ainmeachadh Iseabail Nic an t-Sagairt mar Stiùiriche Susbaint Ioma-Ùrlair mar phàirt de dh’atharrachaidhean gus fòcas na buidhne àrdachadh ann a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh susbaint aig àrd ìre ann an àrainneachd mheadhain a tha ag atharrachadh gu luath, agus gus togail air co-obrachadh agus ùr-ghnàthachas soirbheachail gu ruige seo.

Bha Iseabail Nic an t-Sagairt roimhe mar Stiùiriche Ro-innleachd is Co-bhanntachd agus tha i a’ stiùireadh coimiseanadh agus leasachadh ro-innleachdail susbaint Gàidhlig airson BBC ALBA air gach ùrlar, a thuilleadh air FilmG agus LearnGaelic.

Am measg nan atharrachaidhean chithear cuideachd Fiona NicChoinnich air a h-àrdachadh gu Leas-Coimisinear, Didseatach. ’S e amas na h-obrach seo fàs a thoirt air solar susbaint ghoirid agus dol an sàs le na meadhanan sòisealta, a’ togail air obair shoirbheachail an Aonaid Dhidseataich thar an dà bhliadhna mu dheireadh. Tha na h-atharrachaidhean seo air an dealbhachadh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil gach co-dhùnadh susbaint ga dhèanamh le sealladh ioma-ùrlair.

Thuirt Dòmhnall Caimbeul, Àrd-Oifigear MG ALBA: “Tha na h-atharrachaidhean seo a’ sealltainn dealas MG ALBA a thaobh leasachadh agus fàs nam meadhanan Gàidhlig anns gach roinn den obair. Thèid togail air an t-soirbheas a tha air a bhith ann mu thràth le Iseabail, Fiona agus co-obraichean, taobh ri taobh ri coimhearsnachd cruthachail BBC ALBA – nam measg ìrean còrdaidh àrda eachdraidheil, an àireamh as motha a-riamh de dhuaisean agus àireamh luchd-coimhid nam meadhanan didseatach a tha a’ fàs gu luath. Am-bliadhna chaidh MG ALBA an sàs san àireamh a bu mhotha a-riamh
de cho-obrachaidhean eadar-nàiseanta, a’ lìbhrigeadh luach sònraichte chun luchd-amhairc Gàidhlig – nì air a bheil sgioba MG ALBA ag amas fàs a thoirt.

“Ni na dreuchdan ùra seo cinnteach gu bheil MG ALBA ann an deagh shuidheachadh airson àite nam meadhanan Gàidhlig a dhaingneachadh mar as fheàrr a thèid aige air ann an àrainneachd mheadhain a tha ag atharrachadh gu luath, gus am buannachd as fheàrr fhaighinn às na cothroman a tha ann airson co-obrachadh agus ùr-ghnàthachas agus ar n-aghaidh a chur air an àm ri teachd le misneachd.”

Issued by Electrify Marketing & Communications on behalf of MG ALBA

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