Media release: New appointment will help university respond to regional needs | Dreuchd ùr a’ cuideachadh le freagairt air feumalachdan roinneil

Gary Campbell, UHI Exec Office

THE University of the Highlands and Islands has announced the appointment of Dr Gary Campbell as vice-principal (strategic developments).

This new position aims to make the university more responsive to the needs of the businesses and communities in the region. Dr Campbell will help to develop education and training in the locations it is needed, as well as harnessing the university’s research capacity and knowledge exchange in areas industries require.

Based at Moray College UHI in Elgin, Dr Campbell previously held the post of Dean of Science, Health and Engineering. His new role will see him work with colleagues around the university partnership to lead strategic academic developments, including those associated with computing, aerospace and engineering.

Dr Campbell started his career as an environmental scientist specialising in modelling climate change. He held research and lecturing posts at Newton Rigg College in Cumbria, the University of Aberdeen and the University of Sheffield before joining the University of the Highlands and Islands in 1999 as a lecturer at Inverness College UHI. Following a research fellowship in Aberdeen, he returned to teach at Moray College UHI before becoming faculty dean in 2010.

University of the Highlands and Islands principal and vice-chancellor, Professor Clive Mulholland, welcomed Dr Campbell to the new role, saying: “The university was created to have a transformational impact on the prospects of the Highlands and Islands so it is vital that our curriculum and research meets the needs of our region.

“I believe this new role will help us better fulfil this by having an oversight of the bigger picture and bringing together existing and new curriculum and research fit for the 21st century. I am delighted Gary has taken up this post and I am certain he will continue to make an invaluable contribution to the mission of the university.”

Dr Campbell said: “I am extremely proud of our university and I am looking forward to working with colleagues across the partnership to progress some once in a generation opportunities for the benefit of the region.”


THA Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean air an Dr Gary Caimbeul fhastadh gu dreuchd an iar-phrionnsapal (leasachaidhean ro-innleachdail). Tha an dreuchd ùr seo ag amas air an oilthigh a dhèanamh nas cunntachail do fheumalachdan nan gnothachasan agus nan coimhearsnachdan san roinn. Cuidichidh an Dr Caimbeul le foghlam is trèanadh a leasachadh anns na h-àiteachan far a bheil feum air, a thuilleadh air comas rannsachaidh agus iomlaid eòlais an oilthighe a stiùireadh anns na raointean air a bheil feum aig gnìomhachasan.

Stèidhichte ann an Colaiste Mhoireibh UHI ann an Eilginn, bha an Dr Caimbeul roimhe seo ann an dreuchd Deadhan Saidheans, Slàinte agus Innleadaireachd.  Anns an dreuchd ùr, bidh e ag obair còmhla ri co-obraichean mu thimcheall com-pàirteachas an oilthighe gus leasachaidhean acadaimigeach ro-innleachdail a stiùireadh, a’ gabhail a-steach iadsan a tha co-cheangailte ri coimpiutaireachd, adhar-speur agus innleadaireachd.

Thòisich an Dr Caimbeul a bheatha-obrach mar neach-saidheans àrainneachdail a’ sònrachadh ann am modaladh air atharrachadh gnàth-shìde.  Bha dreuchdan aige mar òraidiche is neach-rannsachaidh ann an Colaiste Newton Rigg ann an Cumbria agus Oilthigh Obar Dheathain mus tàinig e gu Oilhtigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean ann an 1999 mar òraidiche ann an Colaiste Inbhir Nis  UHI. A’ leantainn air Comhaltachd rannsachaidh ann an Obar Dheathain, thill e gu teagasg ann an Colaiste Mhoireibh UHI mus deach e an dreuchd mar Dheadhan Dàimh ann an 2010.

Chuir an t-Àrd-Ollamh Clive Mulholland, Prionnsapal is Iar-Sheansalair Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean, fàilte air an Dr Caimbeul gu a dhreuchd ùr, ag ràdh:  “Chaidh an t-oilthigh a chruthachadh gus buaidh chruth-atharrachail a thoirt air na bha san amharc don Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan, mar sin tha e deatamach gu bheil an curraicealam agus an rannsachadh againn a’ coinneachadh feumalachdan ar sgìre. Tha mi a’ creidsinn gun cuidich an dreuchd ùr seo le seo a choileanadh nas fheàrr ann a bhith a’ thoirt dhuinn tar-shealladh air an dealbh mhòr agus a’ toirt còmhla curraicealam is rannsachadh ùr agus sean, a bhios freagarrach don 21mh linn. Tha mi air leth toilichte gu bheil Gary air gabhail ris an dreuchd seo agus tha mi cinnteach gun lean e air adhart a’ cur gu luachmhor ri rùn an oilthighe.”

Thuirt an Dr Caimbeul: “Tha mi air leth pròiseil às an oilthigh againn agus tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith ag obair còmhla ri co-obraichean tarsainn a’ chom-pàirteachais gus cothroman adhartachadh gu mathas na roinne.”


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