Media release: Orkney student wins university award | Oileanach à Arcaibh a’ buannachadh duais oilthighe

Danielle being presented with her award by Professor Crichton Lang

A COMPUTING student with a drive to succeed despite having a serious medical condition has been named as the University of the Highlands and Islands’ Further Education Student of the Year.

Danielle O’Hagan (25), from Kirkwall, recently completed a National Certificate in computer technologies with games design at Orkney College UHI.

Danielle was nominated for the award by her lecturer, Magnus Tullock. She was commended for her outstanding work as well as her bravery in managing her epilepsy and raising awareness of the condition.

Magnus explained: “Danielle has been the outstanding student of the computing department this year. She has driven the class forward, helped her peers and has shown incredible determination to make her work all it can be. When she was not happy with the initial results of her web development task, she decided to learn a whole new programming language to accomplish exactly what she wanted.

“Despite having several epileptic episodes throughout the year, Danielle never let her work suffer. Indeed, Danielle faces her condition head on. She organised a class activity to raise money for epilepsy suffers in Scotland, she has given dozens of talks on the condition and has set up a website to help raise awareness.

“In all my years, I have never come across a further education student as committed, driven and attentive as Danielle who has also had to deal with considerable health problems.”

Speaking about her award, Danielle said: “I am very thankful to have been chosen for the award. I wouldn’t have been able to put the work I did in my course last year if it wasn’t for the help from my lecturers and the support staff that helped me, especially with being dyslexic. The same for the help with my classmates as well. I hope to continue working hard as I progress towards my degree in years to come.”

Professor Clive Mulholland, principal and vice-chancellor of the University of the Highlands and Islands, said: “Danielle is an exemplary student who went above and beyond the requirements of her course. She has displayed great dedication and determination in the face of challenging personal circumstances and is a worthy winner of our further education student of the year award.”

Danielle was presented with a certificate and a cheque for £200 at the Orkney College UHI graduation ceremony on Friday 29 September. She is continuing her studies with the University of the Highlands and Islands by undertaking an HNC in computing.


Oileanach à Arcaibh a’ buannachadh duais oilthighe

THA oileanach coimpiutaireachd le rùn làidir air soirbheachadh a dh’aindeoin a bhith a’ fulang le staid meidigeach cudromach, air a h-ainmeachadh mar Oileanach Foghlam Adhartach na Bliadhna aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean.  Chuir Danielle O’Hagan (25) à Ciorcabhal crìoch o chionn ghoirid air Teisteanas Nàiseanta ann an teicneòlasan coimpiutair le dealbhadh gheamannan, ann an Colaiste Arcaibh UHI.

Chaidh Danielle ainmeachadh airson na duais leis an òraidiche aice, Magnus Tullock. Chaidh a moladh airson a h-obair bharraichte a thuilleadh air a gaisgeachd ann an dèiligeadh leis an tinneas thuiteamach bho bheil i a’ fulang agus a’ togail mothachadh don tinneas seo.

Mhìnich Magnus: “Tha Danielle air a bhith na h-oileanach air leth san roinn coimpiutaireachd am-bliadhna. Tha i air an clas a stiùireadh air adhart, air a comhaoisean a chuideachadh agus air diongmhaltas do-chreidsinneach a nochdadh gus a h-obair a dhèanamh cho math ’s as urrainn dhi. Nuair nach robh i toilichte leis na ciad toraidhean san obair leasachaidh làrach-lìn aice, cho-dhùin i cànan prògramaidh gu tur ùr ionnsachadh gus dìreach na bha i ag iarraidh a choileanadh.

“A dh’aindeoin fulang bho ghrunn speilean den tinneas thuiteamach tron bhliadhna, cha do leig Danielle leis an obair aice fulang. Gu dearbh, ’s ann a bhios Danielle a’ dèiligeadh leis an t-suidheachadh aice le neart is dìoghras. Chuir i air dòigh gnìomhachd clas airson airgead a thogail do fhulangaich an tinneis thuiteamach ann an Alba, tha i air na dusanan de dh’òraidean a lìbhrigeadh mun t-suidheachadh seo agus air làrach-lìn a stèidheachadh gus cuideachadh le mothachadh a thogail don tinneas seo.

“Fad mo bhliadhnaichean, cha tàinig mi tarsainn a-riamh air oileanach foghlam adhartach a tha cho dealasach, dìcheallach agus cho fuireachail ri Danielle agus aice ri dèiligeadh le mòran duilgheadasan slàinte.”

A’ bruidhinn mun duais aice, thuirt Danielle: “Tha mi glè thaingeil a bhith air mo thaghadh airson na duais seo. Cha robh e air a bhith comasach dhomh an obair a rinn mi sa chùrsa agam an-uiridh a dhèanamh, mura biodh an cuideachadh a fhuair mi bho na h-òraidichean agam agus bhon sgioba taic a chuidich mi, gu h-àraid le bhith dioslaigsig cuideachd. Tha sin mar an ceudna don chuideachadh a thug mo cho-oileanaich dhomh. Tha mi an dòchas leantainn air adhart ag obair cruaidh a dh’ionnsaigh mo cheum sna bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn.”

Thuirt an t-Àrd-Ollamh, prionnsapal agus iar-sheansalair Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean: “Is e oileanach gun choimeas a th’ ann an Danielle a chaidh os cionn agus fada seachad air riatanasan a’ chùrsa aice. Tha i air dìlseachd agus diongmhaltas mòr a thaisbeanadh mu choinneamh suidheachadh dùbhlanach pearsanta agus tha i na buannaiche fìor airidh air duais oileanach foghlam adhartach na bliadhna.”

Chaidh teisteanas agus seic airson £200 nota a bhuileachadh air Danielle aig seirbheis ceumnachaidh ann an Colaiste Arcaibh UHI air Dihaoine 29 Sultain. Tha i a’ leantainn oirre ag ionnsachadh aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean tro bhith a’ gabhail os làimh HNC ann an coimpiutaireachd.


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