Media release: Calum MacLean makes a splash on BBC ALBA


Into the Water / Dhan Uisge

Thursday 25 May, BBC ALBA, first episode 10.30 – 10.40pm

INTO the Water / Dhan Uisge is a new series on BBC ALBA following YouTube star, Calum MacLean, as he shares his passion for swimming in remote lochs and rivers.

Across ten episodes, Calum reveals some of his favourite places to swim in Scotland.

Calum has a huge social media presence – with 1.8 million views for his 60-second ‘midgie challenge’ on Skye when it was originally uploaded last year; and his wild swimming tips, ice swims and vlogs regularly attract thousands of views on Facebook and Twitter.

His chosen settings are far off the beaten track and some can only be accessed by boat or after a long hike.

As he says himself: “I love to swim outdoors alone with no living person to be seen.”

The locations featured include River Douchary, River Garry, the islands in Loch Maree, Spar Cave on Skye, Loch Coruisk, Easdale Island and Sanna, Ardnamurchan. He also takes up a challenge to swim through punishing currents from Seil over to the island of Luing.

Calum enjoys the challenge of swimming in places which stretch his tolerance of the cold and which offer additional feats of endurance. But he says that there are plenty of places which are suitable for novices.

He continues: “There are wide open beaches in Scotland which would be safe for someone not used to swimming outdoors. All you really need is a swimming wetsuit and you don’t have to swim for long to get a big rush of endorphins. Then you feel amazing for the rest of the day – it gives you a real buzz.

“There’s a boom in wild swimming at the moment. It’s very popular now in Scotland and England – in fact, all over the world; groups are forming on social media to help people find out about the best natural swimming pools and go swimming together.

“I think the reason it’s so big now is because it becomes addictive – you go once and then you’ve just got to go again. Also the kind of people who are into it – we tell other people about how much we love it.”

The first episode of Into the Water / Dhan Uisge will be broadcast on BBC ALBA on Thursday, 25 May at 10.30pm, followed by a further nine episodes on successive Thursdays.

For further information please contact Caroline Middleton Gordon or Gary McQueen at Media House on 0141 220 6040 or email /

Notes for editors:

BBC ALBA is available on the following platforms:

  • Sky 142
  • Freeview / You View 7 (Scotland only)
  • Virgin Media 161 (UK)
  • Freesat 109 (UK)
  • BBC iPlayer

BBC ALBA is run by MG ALBA in partnership with the BBC. MG ALBA is the operating name of Seirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig, the Gaelic Media Service. Find out more about MG ALBA and the partnership at or visit for scheduling and programme information.

Dhan Uisge / Into the Water

Diardaoin 25 Cèitean, BBC ALBA, a’ chiad phrògram 10.30 – 10.40f

Sreath ùr a’ leantainn Chaluim MhicIlleathain a’ snàmh ann an uisgeachan reòite ann an àrainneachd iomallach. Is fìor thoigh le Calum àitichean ùra a lorg airson snàmh agus san t-sreath seo, seallaidh e dhuinn feadhainn de na h-àiteachan as fheàrr leis ann an Alba – àitichean nach eil air an sanasachd agus a dh’fheumas oidhirp air leth an ruighinn ann am bàta no coiseachd air na monaidhean.

Tha an t-uamhas eòlach air Calum tro na meadhanan sòisealta le còrr is 1.8 millean air sealltainn air film goirid a chlàr e san Eilean Sgitheanach, ‘Dùbhlan a’ Mheanbh-chuilleag’. Bidh na mìltean dha leantainn air Facebook agus Twitter airson comhairle, vlogs agus fiosrachadh mu dheidhinn a chur-seachad inntinneach.

Mar a chanas e fhèin: “’S toigh leam a bhith a’ snàmh a-muigh nam aonar, gun duine beò ri fhaicinn.”

San t-sreath seo, tha Calum air deich àiteachan a thaghadh air feadh Alba far am bi e a’ snàmh saor, nam measg Abhainn Duchairidh, Abhainn Garadh, Eileanan Loch Ma-Ruibh, Sloc an Altramain agus Loch Coir’ Uisge san Eilean Sgitheanach, Eilean Èisdeal agus Sanna, Àird nam Murchan. Cuideachd, chur e dùbhlan roimhe fhèin, snàmh sa chaolas eadar eilean Shaoil gu Luing. Chionns gu bheil an caolas cho cumhang, tha sruth-mara anabarrach fhèin làidir ann an Caolas a’ Chuain, le coltas fiadhaich, goileach air. Ach, cha do chur sin a-riamh stad air Calum!

Ge-tà, tha Calum a’ moladh gu bheil tòrr àitichean air feadh na dùthcha airson daoine a tha dìreach a’ tòiseachadh a’ snàmh a-muigh.

“Tha tòrr tràighean ann an Alba a tha sàbhailte airson luchd-snàmh nach eil cleachdte ri snàmh a-muigh. Chan eil feum agad ach air dèise-fhliuch agus cha leig thu leas snàmh robh fhada mus faigh thu faireachdainn sgoinneil. Gheibh thu fìor thogail às.

“Tha tòrr measail air snàmh a-muigh an-dràsta, gu h-àraidh ann an Alba agus Sasainn, agus gu cinnteach air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha coimhearsnachd a’ còmhradh air na meadhanan sòisealta a’ sgaoileadh fiosrachadh mu dheidhinn na h-aibhnichean agus na lochan as fheàrr airson snàmh còmhla. Tha mi smaoineachadh gu bheil an cur-seachad a’ fàs tarraingeach chionns ma nì thu aon turas e, feumaidh tu tilleadh agus a dhèanamh a-rithist. Cuideachd, tha sinn uile cho measail air snàmh a-muigh gum bi sinn ag innse dhan h-uile duine cho math ‘s a tha e!”

Bidh a’ chiad phrògram de Dhan Uisge / Into the Water ri fhaicinn air BBC ALBA air Diardaoin, 25 Cèitean aig 10.30f. Chithear na 9 prògraman eile san t-sreath gach oidhche Ardaoin.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, cuir fios gu Caroline Middleton Gordon no Gary McQueen aig Media House air 0141 220 6040 no /

Gabhaidh BBC ALBA fhaighinn air na seirbheisean a leanas:

  • Sky 142 (RA)
  • Freeview / You View 7 (Alba a-mhàin)
  • Virgin Media 161 (RA)
  • Freesat 109 (RA)
  • BBC iPlayer

Tha BBC ALBA air a stiùireadh le MG ALBA an co-bhanntachd leis a’ BhBC. Is e MG ALBA ainm-marsantachd Seirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig. Gheibhear tuilleadh a-mach mu MG ALBA agus mun cho-bhanntachd aig air neo tadhail air airson fios mu chlàran agus mu phrògraman.


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