CLOSING DATE: February 28, 2014
’S e MacTV a tha a’ dèanamh Trusadh, prìomh sreath aithriseach BBC ALBA – agus chun an seo tha sinn air còrr is 100 uair a thìde de sgeulachdan brìoghmhor dhaoine agus coimhearsnachd innse. Tha cothrom sònraichte ann an-dràsta dha Stiùiriche / Neach-camara le eòlas a bhith na phàirt den sgioba. Tha sinn a’ lorg cuideigin aig a bheil liut a bhith cruthachail, a tha seasmhach, a tha math le daoine, agus a tha comasach a bhith ag obair mar phàirt de sgioba no air an ceann fhèin. Bhiodh e dha-rìribh buannachdail a bhith comasach camara a làimhseachadh, agus tha comas labhairt ann an Gàidhlig riatanach don dreuchd.
MacTV produce BBC ALBA’s flagship documentary series, Trusadh – and, to date, have produced over 100 hours of compelling community stories and people stories. There is currently a great opportunity for an experienced director/ cameraperson to join the Trusadh team. The individual needs to have a proven creative flair, be resilient, have good people skills, and be able to work as part of a team, and on their own initiative. The ability to self-shoot would be strongly desirable, and it’s essential that they are able to speak Gaelic.
Contact: Mairi Maclean
Phone: 01851705638