Communications officer (six-months maternity cover) – Bumblebee Conservation Trust

CLOSING DATE: January 8, 2014

THE Bumblebee Conservation Trust seeks to appoint an enthusiastic and highly capable individual to deliver our corporate communications and social media.

Working with an experienced and highly dedicated team at our head office in Stirling, you will lead on widening our appeal to the public, shout about our successes and help to engage more people in supporting our work. Essentially, your role will be to communicate to our target audiences about ‘all things bumblebee’.

You will be responsible for commissioning and producing a range of printed and electronic communications designed to engage people in the work that we do from the very straightforward through to the very scientific and technical.

Working closely with our development and interim outreach managers, the successful candidate will handle BBCT’s day-to-day corporate communications.

This includes our Buzzword membership newsletter, website, electronic communications and digital media. You will also lead on and/or assist in writing and editing new materials as well as commissioning the printing of existing and new materials.

This is a part-time temporary position:  21 hours per week for six months.

The closing date is 5pm, Wednesday 8th of January, with interviews held on Wednesday 22nd January.

Please visit to download the application pack and application form.

Charity numbers: 1115634; SC042830
