Wanted: Chief reporter
January 17, 2018
A CHIEF reporter is being sought by Newsquest (Scotland), to be based at the Paisley and...
Wanted: Senior reporters
January 13, 2018
TWO senior reporters are being sought by Newsquest (Scotland), to work on its titles, the Helensburgh...
Wanted: Editor
January 11, 2018
AN editor is being sought for the magazine, My Weekly. The vacancy is being advertised,...
Wanted: Deputy news editor
December 19, 2017
A DEPUTY news editor is being sought by The Press and Journal newspaper. The vacancy...
Wanted: Senior reporter
December 5, 2017
A SENIOR reporter is being sought by The Courier newspaper. The vacancy can be found,...
Wanted: Publicity manager
November 16, 2017
A PUBLICITY manager is being sought by Scottish Natural Heritage. The vacancy can be found,...