Your Noon Briefing: Wishaw Press campaign success, Your Radio, etc

A CAMPAIGN by a Scots local newspaper to have the status of a village upgraded to that of a town has achieved its objective.

The newspaper, the Wishaw Press, was campaigning on behalf of Shotts.

Says the paper: “The Wishaw Press campaign for Town Status for Shotts has been successful.

“Last Thursday, councillors agreed to officially recognise Shotts as a town.

“Now. politicians have lined up to praise our two-month campaign to make Shotts the newest town in Scotland.”

Read more, here.

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A COMMERCIAL radio station serving in and around Dumbarton and Clydebank has been reportedly purchased.

Reports “Your Radio management, Gary Marshall and Spencer Pryor, have agreed to purchase the station from its owner, Newsquest [which owns, among others, The Herald newspaper].

“The publishing group owns the local newspaper title but has sold the station for an undisclosed sum, and is expected to be completed by November.”

It is understood the sale is subject to approval from broadcasting regulators, Ofcom. quotes Gary Marshall, as saying: “I’ve been working towards this for the last 20 years since I first started at Radio Clyde and decided that owning a radio station was so much more fun than being a presenter!

“On a serious note. I believe that Your Radio is a great opportunity to show that a local station is a viable operation if run properly, and we will continue to be part of the lifeblood of the community and help to promote local businesses whilst also having a bit of fun!”

Read more, here.

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THE Scots chief executive of ITV, Adam Crozier, is the subject of an extensive interview about his five years at the company – published on the website,

It’s a fascinating catch-up on what has been happening these last few years at ITV and the interview was given by Crozier at MIPCOM, which describes itself as ‘the world’s entertainment content market’ and is currently taking place in Cannes, France.

Read the interview, here.

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TRAINING to help businesses better use the social media tool, LinkedIn, is taking place in Edinburgh – by one of the regular contributors to the Academy.

Miles Duncan will be presenting the training later this month, on the 27th.

Says the event blurb: “The LinkedIn Success Blueprint is a proven business development system that focusses on key areas of the LinkedIn platform to give you a simple, easy-to-use but highly-effective business development tool.”

Read more, here.

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A TRAINEE reporter is being sought by Clyde & Forth Press – to work on the newspaper titles, the Dunfermline Press and the Central Fife Times.

The vacancy is being advertised on the media jobs board – here.

Please do mention allmediascotland when replying to job vacancies being showcased on the site.

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REPORTS The Drum media and marketing magazine: “Rangers Football Club has unveiled a newly-designed website created by [Scots] digital agency, Blue2.

“Selected after a competitive pitch, Blue 2 worked through the summer developing a new website for the club, compatible across a series of devices.”

Read more, here.

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AND The Drum also reports: “The Scottish Government has moved to break its media buying services contract into two frameworks, appointing four agencies in the process: Carat, Spirit, Media Shop and Republic of Media.

“The current media buying services framework, which began on 1 June 2011 with the appointment of Carat Scotland, covered a range of media such as TV, digital, radio, outdoor and cinema.”

Read more, here.

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BEGINS Steve Dyson, a regular columnist on the website, “It’s got five words and 36 characters, and it takes up two-and-a-bit lines in the masthead.

“That makes the Dunoon Observer and Argyllshire Standard the longest newspaper title in Britain.”

He goes on to critique the paper…

Read more, here.

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