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  • TV studio camer (the ninth of the month)

    Your Noon Briefing: UK advertising spend, online radio awards, etc

    ADVERTISING spend in the UK is forecast to increase six per cent this year, rising…

Media in Figures - Feature
Newspapers (the eighth of the month)
My Media Day - Feature
oban times
Photographer, black and white (the seventh of the month)
Spoon, Media Broth (shutterstock_78814126)
Microphone interview (the fourth of the month)
Media awards trophies (shutterstock_122147422)
UoG 800x450
Touching a tablet (the third of the month)
My Top Ten - Feature
Photographers at work (the second of the month)
Media awards trophies (shutterstock_122147422)
(the first of the month)
Media in Figures - Feature