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  • Colour pencils (the 16th of the month)

    Your Noon Briefing: Scottish Press Awards, spying on journalists’ sources, etc

    THE 37th Scottish Press Awards has issued a call for entries. A deadline of the…

Newspapers (the 15th of the month)
PIRC Logo (Colour)
Radio dials (the 14th of the month)
PrintersColourChart (the 11th of the month)
On air and mic (the tenth of the month)
Media in Figures - Feature
TV studio camer (the ninth of the month)
Newspapers (the eighth of the month)
Photographer, black and white (the seventh of the month)
Microphone interview (the fourth of the month)
JimChisholmBerlin black
Touching a tablet (the third of the month)
Media awards trophies (shutterstock_122147422)
Photographers at work (the second of the month)
Media awards trophies (shutterstock_122147422)
(the first of the month)
Mixing desk (the 30th of the month)
TV camera interview (the 27th of the month)
Journalist working at keyboard (the 26th of the month)