Former newspaper reporter officially launches digital consultancy

THERE was a campaigning zeal to him when he was a newspaper journalist, and Craig McGill has lost none of that energy now that he has officially set himself up in business, as a consultant in digital media.

Launching himself as Contently Managed, he told “Too many people are being fleeced by companies claiming to offer a digital service, when all they are doing is setting up a Twitter stream or Facebook page and then charging hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds.”

The former Scottish Daily Mirror reporter has been operating ‘under the radar’ these last couple of months, training traditional PR companies on digital media, including for Whyte and Mackay whisky, Snow Leopard Vodka and Jura malt whisky.

His website, has been given a thorough makeover by acclaimed website designers, Bulletproof and Ubisan.

He continued: “No two digital offerings can be the same because no two clients are the same. For some companies, being on Twitter and a blog may be what they need, while others may need podcasts, blogs, YouTube, Facebook – it’s about offering a bespoke digital service without being pretentious and using words like ‘bespoke’.

“Also, too many digital agencies aren’t looking at the joined-up picture, seeing what the more traditional departments can offer the digital service.

“The age of the silo is over. Marketing, HR, PR, advertising, sales, customer relations – they should all be integrated to be part of the digital communications strategy.

“That’s why anyone using Contently Managed for a press release gets audio and video with it free of charge – we live in a multimedia age and it would be idiotic not to reflect that in what is offered to journalists and the public.”