Media release: BBC ALBA back at Belladrum


LIVE coverage of Belladrum returns to BBC ALBA with one of Scotland’s friendliest music festivals, welcoming headliners Elbow, Jess Glynne and Chvrches.

Fans can catch much of the weekend festival action live on BBC ALBA, hosted by Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald, from Thursday 1st through to Saturday 3rd August, with festival highlights also available on the new BBC Scotland channel on Friday and Saturday nights.

The 16th annual festival takes place in the Scottish Highlands, on the Belladrum Estate near Inverness. The festival’s main stage, in the estate’s idyllic Italian walled garden is the central location for three nights of lively music and festival colour which will be broadcast live on BBC ALBA. Coverage will also include some very special acoustic sets and on-site interviews with many of the headlining artists.

Belladrum’s reputation as the festival hot ticket with an eclectic line-up sees the rootsy folk machine, Skerryvore, rubbing shoulders and sharing stages with Johnny Marr, Tom Odell, Dodie and the fabulous Lewis Capaldi and Jess Glynne, bringing a great final evening to a close.

BBC ALBA has broadcast live from Belladum since 2011 and, this year, partners with the new BBC Scotland channel to offer more coverage than ever before across the two channels.

Said BBC ALBA’s head of Service, Margaret Mary Murray: “Belladrum lies at the heart of BBC ALBA’s summer schedule and is much anticipated and greatly appreciated by audiences. We are delighted that this year’s music festival collaboration with BBC Scotland, which started so successfully at TRNSMT, continues at Belladrum and will offer enhanced and extended coverage, which we are sure music fans will love.”

Belladrum is produced by Bees Nees Media for BBC ALBA and BBC Scotland.


Issued by Electrify Marketing & Communications on behalf of MG ALBA

For further information please contact:
Isabelle Salter, Electrify Marketing & Communications
07967 763 650

Notes for editors:

Thursday 1 August
BBC ALBA, 9.30pm – 11.00pm

Friday 2 August
BBC ALBA, 9.00pm – 11.00pm
BBC Scotland, 11.05pm – 12.00am

Saturday 3 August
BBC ALBA, 9.10pm – 11.00pm
BBC Scotland, 11.05pm – 12.00am

BBC ALBA is available on the following platforms:

Sky 142
Freeview / You View 7 (Scotland only)
Virgin Media 161
Freesat 109
BBC iPlayer

BBC Scotland is available on the following platforms:

Sky 115
Freeview/You View 115 & 9
Virgin Media 108
Freesat 106
BBC iPlayer


THA Belladrum beò a’ tilleadh gu BBC ALBA, ‘s an fhèis ciùil as càirdeile ann an Alba a’ cur fàilte air trì sàr ainmean ann an saoghal a’ chiùil, Elbow, Jess Glynne agus Chvrches.

Gheibh luchd-leantainn stiùireadh tron tachartas beò air BBC ALBA, bho Fiona NicCoinnich agus Niall Iain Dòmhnallach, Diardaoin 1 gu Disathairne 3 Lùnastal, agus bidh prìomh thachartasan na fèise air an craoladh air an t-sianail ùr BBC Scotland air Dihaoine agus Disathairne.

Tha an 16mh Fèis a’ gabhail àite air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, air Oighreachd Bhelladrum faisg air Inbhir Nis. ‘S ann air prìomh àrd-ùrlar na fèise, cuartaichte le ballaichean gàrradh àlainn Eadailteach na h-oighreachd, a bhios cridhe na fèise fhèin, a’ toirt cothrom do BhBC ALBA ceòl agus snas an tachartais a thaisbeanadh le cuirmean fuaimearra thairis air trì oidhche. Am measg na chithear agus na chluinnear bidh seatan fuaim sònraichte agus agallamhan le mòran den phrìomh luchd-ciùil.

Am measg na bhios ri fhaicinn ‘s ri chluinntinn bidh Skerryvore agus seinneadairean mar Johnny Marr, Tom Odell, Dodie agus na rionnagan Lewis Capaldi agus Jess Glynne, a bhios a’ toirt an tachartais mhìorbhaileach seo gu ceann.

Tha BBC ALBA air a bhith a’ craoladh beò bho Bhelladrum bho 2011 agus thathar a’ dol ann an com-pàirteachas leis an t-seanail ùr BBC Scotland gus barrachd taisbeanaidh na bha ann a-riamh a thoirt don fhèis air an dà shianail.

Thuirt Ceannard Seirbheis BBC ALBA, Mairead Màiri Mhoireach: “Tha Belladrum aig cridhe clàr samhraidh BBC ALBA agus tha an luchd-amhairc a’ coimhead air adhart gu mòr ris agus abair gun còrd e riutha. Tha sinn air leth toilichte gu bheil an co-obrachadh le BBC Scotland aig fèis ciùil na bliadhna seo, a thòisich cho soirbheachail aig TRNSMT, a’ leantainn air adhart aig Belladrum agus bheir e barrachd taisbeanaidh air an fhèis a tha sinn cinnteach a chòrdas gu mòr ri luchd-leantainn a’ chiùil.”

Tha Bees Nees Media a’ riochdachadh Belladrum às leth BBC ALBA agus BBC Scotland.


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