OFCOM has today announced two re-appointments to the board of MG ALBA, the body responsible for funding Gaelic-language TV programmes in Scotland.
Catriona MacPhee and Donald (Donnie) Macaulay have accepted second four-year terms as board members ending on 30 April, 2022.
In line with the Communications Act 2003, Catriona was originally nominated for appointment by BBC Scotland and Donnie by Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
The re-appointments were approved by the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, John Swinney.
Ath-shuidheachaidhean air Bòrd MG ALBA
Tha Ofcom an-diugh air dà ath-shuidheachadh ainmeachadh air MG ALBA, am buidheann a tha an urra ri bhith a’ maoineachadh phrògraman telebhisein Gàidhlig ann an Alba.
Tha Catriona Nic a’ Phì agus Dòmhnall (Donaidh) MacAmhlaigh air aontachadh ris an dàrna teirm ceithir bliadhna mar bhuill den bhòrd gu 30 Giblean 2022.
A rèir Achd Conaltraidh 2003, chaidh Catriona ainmeachadh air tùs le BBC Alba agus chaidh Donaidh ainmeachadh le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean.
Dh’aontaich Iain Swinney, Ministear a’ Chaibineit aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson Foghlam agus Sgilean ris na h-ath-shuidheachaidhean.
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